Monday, December 10, 2012


Today I had a rather spirited discussion with my husband about blogging.  I recently purchased the book Blog, Inc in hopes it would spark that blogging interest that sits deep within and that I would realize that I do have something slightly different to offer the world than the folks on my current blog roll.  Don't get me wrong, I love (and am jealous of) every single person's blog I read; most of them are uber creative, beautiful, have amazing lives and beautiful homes.

As I was explaining to my husband how I am feeling and my observations from all of the blogs I follow, he blurts out of nowhere, mid-conversation that I am not a blogger and that "we", meaning I, can't be something we are not.  As offended as I was, I gathered my strength, pushed back the tears of anger and thought to myself that if this little bastard really feels that way, boy am I going to show him...and boy is he going to be sorry.  I am weird like that; the more people say I can't do something, the more oomph I have to do see it through.

While I am acutely aware that I have had this blog since 2010 and have started and stopped, and changed directions ten times over, I am committed to letting myself run wild this time.  I have tried to keep things light and airy in the past and that really isn't me.  I don't live a super duper glamourous life, I like to try new ideas and adventures and 99.9% of the time they epically fail, but I am okay with that because that is my real life.  I am that crazy animal lady and my house is constantly in flux.  I have an unhealthy relationship with my 9-5 job and Starbucks, too.

So against all of my husbands unsolicited advice today, I am going to let it all hang out.  I am going unleash the dogs and to allow this little blog to run free.  It's focus will be mostly surrounded by the name, which in Hawaiian means house (hale) and dog (i'lio). Two things I couldn't be more passionate about.  I also find that I have a lot of opinions so there will be story time every now and again.

And someday when I become famous (real goal!), even if it is only in my dreams or in the eyes of my Mother, for anything I have written, designed, or achieved, I will thank my husband from the bottom of my heart for not believing in me and thus forcing me to believe in myself.


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