Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am just popping in to say hello and to let you know that I am still alive.  I don't have anything earth shattering to share with you this week because I am glued to my chair at the office.  It is unfortunate for me but fortunate for the lawyer and business that we are so insanely busy right now. 

This is what my desk looks like...all the time, which totally drives my neat freak, no paper, all web based husband c-a-r-a-zy.  And no I did not decorate my desk, the lawyer did.  He has a "thing" with plants and tries to bring every plant back to life after his girlfriend kills them.  It looks like ailing  jungle on my desk.  It doesn't bother me though because I am only here a few times per month and if I had something too pretty then I would get distracted.

I plan to share my kitchen update next week and my bathroom remodel as well.  Hopefully, I will have something to share with the patio, too! 

Have a great hump day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Um, your desk scares me. Especially that very large stack of files to the right!

    Looking forward to photos (hint hint) of your kitchen and bath remodel!

    Hope you're having a great week!
