Monday, April 11, 2011

on the boat or off the boat

Hello, long time no chat.  Of course life has been busy--travel, work and play and I wish that was my excuse for not blogging...but it's not.  I'm not sure that I actually have a valid excuse.  I am obviously having a hard time deciding if I am on the boat with blogging or off the boat.  I want to be on the boat, but I have fallen off and I think maybe drown.

I read a handful of blogs everyday and I am baffled at how all of these ladies manage their work, their kids, their homes and their lives and still find time to blog EVERY single day.  I just don't get it!  How do y'all do it?  Do you not sleep?  Do you get up at the crack-o-dawn and blog?

My best excuse for not blogging regularly is that I work out of town for 2-3 weeks out of the month and the week(s) I am home, I am toasted and try to catch up on everything I missed during the weeks I was gone.  I don't have two legged kids, but I do have six four-legged kids who require an immense amount of time and attention.  Besides my 9-5 job, I run a vacation rental business and am in the midst of a new start-up.  How's that?  I know, crappy excuses.

My new goal is blog about three times per week.  I think I can reasonably do that even when I am out of town.  So there...I announced it loud and clear.  So here's to jumping back on the boat! I will be back this week with three fantastic posts and bring you up to speed with the happenings around here.

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