Friday, January 13, 2012

fill in the blank friday

It's been a while, but I am linking up over at The Little Things We Do today for Fill in the Blank Friday.  Come play's fun!

[Jimmy-catching some rays on my desk]

1.   The last thing I ate was     Almond Rocca, like 20 pieces of it!  Washed them down with some ice cold water   .

2.   The last song I listened to was    Zac Brown's "Martin"      .

3.  Using the letters in my name I can spell is far too early in the morning to use my brain and my long name.  We'll just skip this one!     .

4.  If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life I would pick     black, black and more black.  A color (technically not a real color) that I wear almost everyday already, so I guess not much would change    .

5.  If you were to look in my bag right now you'd find    well, lucky for you all, I just cleaned my bag, otherwise this post would have gotten significantly longer.  I have my wallet, gift cards/coupons, keys, loose change for parking meters, two cell phones, my husbands chewing tobacco can and come loose beads (random, I know).

6.  When I finish filling in the blanks I'm going to    shower and go  .

7.  My all time favorite song to dance to is    I don't dance...not my thing!  .

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