Thursday, May 19, 2011

story a landlord

I'm going to vent for a moment.  This month is proving to be a bit challenging.  It's one of those one thing after another kind of months, where it seems like something is constantly challenging my patience.

It all started when my tenant didn't pay her rent.  She never pays her rent on time but this time she sent her 30 day notice to vacate and when I asked about the status of this month's rent, I never heard another word.  I called and called, and called and called with no response.  I have used other people's phones and no answer.  Sent emails with no answer.  So today, I had a notice to vacate served.  I also received a call from the City saying they are turning the water off this week.  Awesome.

Oh, and last time I served a notice she called me up ranting and raving about how embarrassing this was and her grandchildren (who live with her) asked her too many questions.  Ummm...yea, that's what happens when you don't pay your bills!  I just don't get people.  I don't understand how they can just blow off paying rent or how they can just ignore someone who is if it will all just go away.  Trust me.  I don't go away.  The most troubling part of this must be my naive thinking that if someone checks out well with all the bells and whistles, that it will equate to them paying bills on time, such as rent.  Boy was I fooled.

They now have three days to get out and I hope they do.  In the end all it is going to do is cost me a bunch of money to collect the rent, clean up the place (because I am sure they will leave it just as they found it) and get it on the market.  Oh did I mention that we live five hours from the house?  I really wish we could sell this place but there is no chance of that in the near future.  Thanks recession!

You know, if it were politically correct, acceptable and legal, I would stand on the porch and tell her off, then cut the power and change the locks.  Unfortunately, the laws were not designed that way and I don't really feel like taking a trip to the county jail.  The notice will have to suffice.

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