Monday, April 18, 2011

weekend review and special guest

On my way to Portland today, I had a special guest on my plane...or at least a special guest if you are from Spokane.  None other than THE Mark Few who was not only on my plane but in the row across from me.  For all the Spokanites that boarded the plane he was like a huge celebrity.  To everyone else he was just some guy.

This weekend we caught up on some necessary spring cleaning and discussed some landscaping plans.  We have been in our house for a year this month and last summer we were focused on getting all the rubbish removed from the yard and sheds so no landscaping was really accomplished.  The couple that owned the house before us had lived there something like 30 years and were avid gardener's, but during the last few years before they sold the house they let the yard go and it was completely beyond repair.  This year though, we have grand, grand plans.  Maybe even adding a patio with brick design similar to this....

[image via]

Last but not least, it is on the cusp of estate sale 'season' and I scored this fabulous buffet/hutch at a sale.  It is a solid wood piece with a unique greenish/gray coloring that will go perfectly in my kitchen as is.  I may change out the pulls if I find the perfect ones but I'm in no rush.

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